Z Grecji do Polski – uczniowie dzielą się swoimi doświadczeniami z Krety
W kwietniu tego roku uczniowie technikum informatycznego z naszej szkoły mieli wyjątkową okazję uczestniczyć w zagranicznych praktykach zawodowych na Krecie. Zdobywając doświadczenie w międzynarodowym środowisku, nie tylko rozwijali swoje umiejętności zawodowe, ale również poznawali kulturę, historię i tradycje Grecji. Teraz, po powrocie, podzielili się swoją wiedzą z młodszymi kolegami. …
Nauczyciele z Powiatowego Zespołu Nr 10 Szkół Mechaniczno-Elektrycznych im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Kętach p. Monika Kasperczyk i p. Ilona Kula napisali projekt pt: „PRACOWNIE GASTRONOMICZNO-CUKIERNICZE NA MIARĘ NASZYCH CZASÓW”. Projekt zyskał aprobatę komisji i tym samym KOPERNIK został beneficjentem Fundacji PKO Banku Polskiego. …
The recently concluded Erasmus+ project proved to be a highly successful endeavor for the IT students of the Technical School Complex No. 10 of Mechanical and Electrical Schools named after Nicolaus Copernicus in Kęty. The two-week internship on the Greek island of Crete allowed a group of twelve future IT technicians to gain valuable experience in an international IT environment, expand their professional and language skills, and become acquainted with Greek culture and traditions.
During the official closing ceremony of the project, the school’s principal, Ilona Kula, officially presented the participants with certificates confirming the completion of their internships under the Erasmus+ program. In her speech, she emphasized the importance of gaining professional experience abroad and developing not only technical skills but also interpersonal and cultural competencies. …
Uczniowie z PZNr10 SME w Kętach uczestniczą w projekcie wymiany polsko-niemieckiej z grupą uczniów zawodu z Volkswagena w dniach od 3-13 czerwca 2024.
Zakwaterowani jesteśmy w MDSM w Oświęcimiu. Nasza praca obejmuje dbanie o pamięć i historię Auschwitz-Birkenau. …
Students who participated in international internships in Crete conducted inspiring workshops for second-year IT technician students. These young interns, enriched by the experiences gained during their professional placements, decided to share their knowledge and skills with their younger peers.
During the workshops, the focus was on modern computer devices that the students used daily during their internships in Greece. They not only presented theoretical information about the technologies they worked with but also demonstrated practical applications of the equipment. This gave the workshop participants the opportunity to engage directly with cutting-edge technological solutions.
The workshops were met with great interest from the students, who had the chance not only to expand their knowledge but also to learn more about career development opportunities abroad. For the presenters, it was a chance to test their teaching skills and reminisce about the intensive time spent during their internships.
Thanks to such initiatives, students are better prepared for future career challenges, and the experiences shared by their older peers become a valuable resource for the entire school community. International internships provide not only an opportunity to gain practical knowledge but also a chance for personal growth and the exploration of new cultures.
Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the European Union or the National Agency of the Erasmus+ Program. The European Union and the granting authority are not responsible for them.
In April of this year, students from our school’s IT technical program had the unique opportunity to participate in vocational internships abroad on the island of Crete. During their time in an international environment, they not only developed their professional skills but also immersed themselves in the culture, history, and traditions of Greece. Upon their return, they shared their knowledge with younger classmates. …
A group of 12 IT students and two supervisors have completed their two-week internships on Crete. During their stay, the students delved into the workings of IT companies. The IT students from Powiatowy Zespół nr 10 Szkół Mechaniczno-Elektrycznych in Kęty worked in companies specializing in computer equipment repair, mobile phone servicing, and large-format printing. …
The first week of international vocational internships in Greece is behind our students. The city of Chania, located on Crete, welcomed them with sunny weather. A group of twelve future IT technicians from the Powiatowy Zespół nr 10 Szkół Mechaniczno-Elektrycznych im. Mikołaja Kopernika in Kęty began their vocational internships in IT companies on Tuesday, April 2, 2024.
Za uczniami pierwszy tydzień zagranicznych staży zawodowych w Grecji. Położona na Krecie Chania przywitała uczniów słoneczną pogodą. Dwunastoosobowa grupa przyszłych techników informatyków Powiatowego Zespołu nr 10 Szkół Mechaniczno-Elektrycznych im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Kętach we wtorek 2.04.2024 r. rozpoczęła praktyki zawodowe w przedsiębiorstwach branży IT. …
W dniu 15 listopada 2023 r. w Powiatowym Zespole nr 10 Szkół Mechaniczno – Elektrycznych im. Mikołaja Kopernika w Kętach obchodzono Jubileusz 30-lecia wymiany polsko- niemieckiej. W latach 1993 – 2023 zorganizowano w szkole 79 spotkań młodzieży polsko-niemieckiej oraz 8 spotkań w ramach wymiany nauczycieli. …
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